Announcements: Friday, February 14... Happy Valentines Day Due to an anonymous donation from a community member all Shepherd students in grades 6-12 will be free admittance to the High School Girls Basketball home game tonight (2/14). Valentine's gifts purchased through Student Council will be delivered to students during 6th hour class today We are on a half-day schedule today with school dismissing at 11:00am There is also no school on Monday (2/17).
3 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Bluejay Valentine
Announcments: Wednesday, February 12... Good luck to the Boys Basketball Teams as they are at home tonight taking on the Eagles or Farwell. First game begins at 5:00pm and tickets are $5 each. Concessions will be available. Due to an anonymous donation from a community member all Shepherd students in grades 6-12 will receive free admittance to the High School Girls Basketball home game on this Friday (2/14). There is no Art Club today. The next after-school Art Club meeting will be next Wednesday, February 19. This week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days for the remainder of the week are as followed: Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas and Fun Dips for $5 each, or all three items for $6 which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day. Today is the last day these items can be purchased. Today during SOAR 7th & 8th Grade students will work on their Math IXL, while the 6th grade is dismissed to the MS Gym for a grade level meeting with Mr. Wolf and Mr. Farley.
5 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, February 11... Results from the boys basketball game last night versus Gladwin; The 7th grade team ? The 8th grade team won 49-29 Saturday (2/15) is the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic, which will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Due to an anonymous donation from a community member all Shepherd students in grades 6-12 will be free admittance to the High School Boys Basketball home game tonight (2/11) and the High School Girls Basketball home game on this Friday (2/14). Come on out and support both teams for their Senior Night!! There is no Art Club this week. The next after-school Art Club meeting will be next Wednesday, February 19. This week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days for the remainder of the week are as followed: Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday/Mismatch Day Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Moving forward, breakfast in the cafeteria will have 2 servicing lines opened and students will be required to enter their students number when checking out at the register. Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas stuffed animals with Fun Dips candy for $5, which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow is the last day to purchase these items. Reminder to students to take your Chromebooks home and charge them. If you no longer have a working charger cord, they can be purchased in the Media Center. Just another reminder to students going to Art and Shop classes, you must use the exterior doors by the Middle School Office when coming and going to the Shop building. Today during SOAR all students are to work on their ELA IXL
6 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, February 10... Good Luck to the Boys Basketball teams as they travel to Gladwin to take on the Flying G’s. Players are dismissed at 2:45pm and the bus leaves at 2:55pm. On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( The Shepherd Equestrian Team is having an information meeting / Pre-sign up Meeting Sunday, February 23rd @ 6:30pm at the Coe Township Hall, in Shepherd. Anyone interested in participating on the 2025 Junior team (5th grade thru 8th grade) or Senior team (9th thru 12th). Please plan on attending this meeting. Contact Melanie Brune or Monica Seeburger with questions. Chromebooks must be taken home and charged every evening. Students’ Chromebooks that are dead will be directed to the Media Center for a loaner device, where we can monitor and track students that this is a recurring issue. If you have lost or broken your Chromebook charger, we charger cords can be purchased at the Media Center for $25. This week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days for the remainder of the week are as followed: Tuesday is Student/Teacher Swap Day Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday/Mismatch Day Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas and Fun Dips for $5 each, or all three items for $6 which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day For students that go across the parking lot to Art and Industrial Arts with Mr. Maatman or Mr. Russell, you are to only use the exterior door by the MS office to enter and exit the building from. Do not use the doors by the counseling office when coming or going from the art and shop building. Students caught using the wrong doors may be issued a lunch detention. Today during SOAR all classes will be doing SecondSteps lesson 15
7 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Valetine Spirit Week Dress-up Days: February 10-14
10 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Valetine Spirit Week 2025
Announcements: Friday, February 7... Results of the Boys Basketball games Wednesday night versus Sanford-Meridian The 7th grade team lost The 8th grade team won 62-50 Good luck to the Boys Basketball Teams as they take on the Mustangs of Sanford-Meridian here at home tonight. First game starts at 5:00pm and tickets are $5 each. Concessions will be available for purchase. On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Next week is Valentine Spirit Week and the Dress-up Days are as followed: Monday is Pajama Day Tuesday is Student/Teacher Swap Day Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday/Mismatch Day Thursday is Twin/Squad Day Friday is Class Color Day 6th Grade is Red 7th Grade is Pink 8th Grade is White Student Council is Selling Orange Crush Pops for $1, Gorillas and Fun Dips for $5 each, or all three items for $6 which can be bought before school and during lunches. These items can be purchased for another person here at school and will be delivered to that person on Valentine’s Day Today during SOAR teachers will be handing out BlueJay Renaissance Tickets for this afternoon's Rally. Students with a ticket will be attending the Rally. Students who are not attending the Rally will continue with their normal 5th and 6th hour class schedule.
10 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Friday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, February 4... Results of the Boys Basketball games last night versus Ogemaw Heights. The 7th grade team did not report The 8th grade team lost 45-46 On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Today during SOAR all students are to work on their ELA IXL. Teacher, you are to identify your students BJR Status in the spreadsheet document and let your SOAR students know where they stand with grades and tardies for this trimester.
13 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Friday, January 31... On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Today during SOAR it’s Finish or Free Free
17 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Friday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, January 30... Results of the Boys Basketball games last night versus Bullock Creek Both the 7th and 8th grade teams lost to the Lancers. Mike, from Behavioral Health, will be in the Native American Office during your lunch. Grab your food and come on down. On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Yesterday during 6th hour we passed out new login passwords, which went into effect immediately. Students are to hold onto that password. If you did not get a password or need help logging in, check with your SOAR teacher. Teachers can pull up your password on their PowerSchool account. Today during SOAR all students are to check their grades in PowerSchool and email parents. When that has been completed they are to Read Silently.
18 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, January 27... Good luck to the 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Teams as they play the Pioneers of Clare tonight at home. First game starts at 5:00pm. Admission is $5 per person and concessions will be available. On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Team can be all boys, all girls, or a mix of boys and girls but must have 5 players! Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Don’t miss your opportunity to play in the best wiffle ball tournament around! We have a mid-trimester BlueJay Renaissance Rally, for students that qualify, coming up on Friday, February 7. Today during SOAR all classes will do their SecondSteps Lesson number 13.
21 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Announcements: Friday, January 24... Good luck to the Competitive Cheer Team as they travel to Flushing tomorrow for an Invitational competition. On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Team can be all boys, all girls, or a mix of boys and girls but must have 5 players! Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Don’t miss your opportunity to play in the best wiffle ball tournament around! We have a mid-trimester BlueJay Renaissance Rally, for students that qualify, coming up on Friday, February 7. Today during SOAR it’s finish or free friday
24 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Friday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, Janauary 23... Results from the boys basketball games last Monday The 7th grade team lost to St. Louis The 8th grade team beat St. Louis The boys next game is Monday at home versus the Clare Pioneers On Saturday February 15th the 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Classic will be taking place in the HS gym starting at 11am. Team can be all boys, all girls, or a mix of boys and girls but must have 5 players! Please sign up in the office. For more information email Mr. Loonsfoot ( Don’t miss your opportunity to play in the best wiffle ball tournament around! Today during SOAR students are to check grades in PowerSchool and email parents. It is then Silent Reading time for all students for the remainder of SOAR.
25 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, January 20... Good luck to our 7th & 8th Grade boys basketball teams as they take on the Sharks of St. Louis here at home tonight. First game starts at 5:00pm and admission is $5. There will also be concessions available during the games. Winning SOAR classes for the Hoops 4 Hunger canned food drive: 6th Grade - Mrs. Bowman’s SOAR Class 7th Grade - Mrs. Haag’s SOAR Class 8th Grade - Mrs. Goodspeed’s SOAR Class These SOAR classes, along with all 6th-7th & 8th Grade Student Council will be attending the CMU Basketball game during school this Wednesday (1/22). Today during SOAR all students will be working on SecondSteps lesson 12.
28 days ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Announcements: Friday, January 17... Good luck to our Middle School Competitive Cheer Team tomorrow as they travel to Harrison for an Invitational Competition. Just a reminder when we are outside during recess and after school. Throwing snow is not allowed. That includes snowballs, chunks of snow, loose fluffy snow, or icicles. Those caught throwing snow will be sent to the office. While at recess we also have to remember to bring in all the equipment at the end of the recess, which includes footballs, basketballs, hockey sticks, and sleds. If these items are not brought back to the shed and put in the shed properly, then the shed will remain locked and no one will have access to the equipment during your recess period. Today during SOAR students are to check their grades in PowerSchool and then email their parents. After emailing parents your grades, all students have a short survey on their Chromebooks to take. The survey will in regards to AI, how familiar you are with it and how you are using it.
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Friday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, January 16... NA Students: Starting today, Mike from Behavioral Health will be here on Thursdays. Stop in today during your lunch. Today during SOAR students are to check their grades in PowerSchool and then email their parents. Then all students are to Silent Read for the remainder of the class period.
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcements: Tuesday, January 14... The Native American Office is closed today. Art Club is meeting after school on Wednesday (1/15) from 3:00-4:00pm Tomorrow morning all 8th grade students will be taking their NWEA Math and Language Arts tests together in the Gym and Media Center. This testing session will start after announcements during SOAR and continue into 3rd hour, ending at approximately 11am. 8th grade students, you need your chromebook batteries fully charged tomorrow, so you must take them home and charge them. Today during SOAR all students are to work on their ELA IXL
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Tuesday Announcements
Announcements: Wednesday, January 8... The annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Tournament, for all students ages 9 to 14 is this Sunday, January 12 from 1-3:30pm, here in the Middle School Gym. Ages are determined by age as of January 1, 2025. 1st Place winners will advance to the next level. If you have questions, contact Steve Nartker at 989-944-0452 and leave a message. NA Students: Mike, from Behavioral Health, will be here today during your lunch. Grab your food and come down to the NA Office. BlueJay Renaissance Drawing winners for today are: In 6th Grade: Hannah Wright & Aubree Raby In 7th Grade: Gracie Kasting & Quinn Takalo In 8th Grade: Brody Veale & Kylie Porter These students can come down to the office sometime during SOAR to pick from the prize cart. Today during SOAR students will work on their Math IXL.
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements
Announcements: Monday, January 6... The annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Tournament, for all students ages 9 to 14 is on Sunday, January 12 from 1-3:30pm, here in the Middle School Gym. Ages are determined by age as of January 1, 2025. 1st Place winners will advance to the next level. If you have questions, contact Steve Nartker at 989-944-0452 and leave a message. Today during SOAR all classes will be working on SecondSteps lesson 11.
about 1 month ago, Shepherd Middle School
Monday Announcements
Announcements: Thursday, December 19... 7th & 8th grade boys basketball sign-up sheet is in the MS Office. You have until Friday to sign up. The first practice will be January 6 at 3:15 in the MS Gym. Holiday Spirit Week dress-up day for tomorrow (12/20) is Feeling Cold Day - wear winter gear: hats, gloves, vests, or scarfs. BlueJay Renaissance Drawing winners for today are: In 6th Grade: Shaelynn McKinney & Dilynn Caven In 7th Grade: Hunter Arnold &n Evlyn Rider In 8th Grade: Jaxon Curtiss & Reese Williams These students can come down to the office sometime during SOAR to pick from the prize cart. Today during SOAR all students are to check grades in PowerSchool, email parents and then Silent Read for the remainder of the class period. Tomorrow during SOAR we will be cleaning out lockers.
about 2 months ago, Shepherd Middle School
Thursday Announcements
Announcments: Wednesday, December 18... 7th & 8th grade boys basketball sign-up sheet is in the MS Office. You have until Friday to sign up. The first practice will be January 6 at 3:15 in the MS Gym. Art Club meets today (12/18) at 3:15pm in the HS Art Room. Anyone is welcome to attend. Holiday Spirit Week dress-up days for the rest of the week are: Thursday (12/19) is Grinch Day - wear something green Friday (12/20) is Feeling Cold Day - wear winter gear: hats, gloves, vests, or scarfs Hoops 4 Hunger Canned Food Drive and Donation Class Competition is going on through January. The winning SOAR class from each grade level will get the chance to attend a CMU basketball game during school at the end of next month. SOAR classes that are in the lead at this time: 6th - 1st- Ms.Bowman , 2nd-Mr.Smith, 3rd-Mrs.Faber 7th - 1st- Mrs. Haag, 2nd- Mrs.Sickles, 3rd- Mr.Nestle 8th - 1st- Mrs.Goodseed, 2nd- Mr.Roed, 3rd- Mrs.Verhaar BlueJay Renaissance Drawing winners for today are: In 6th Grade: Dilynn Caven & Elijah Morgan In 7th Grade: Alexis Grove & Izabel Hernandez In 8th Grade: Macy Fulk & Liam Rountree These students can come down to the office sometime during SOAR to pick from the prize cart. Today during SOAR all students are to work on their Math IXL Recommended Skills
2 months ago, Shepherd Middle School
Wednesday Announcements