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Garth Cornwell
(989) 828-6602
Michael Willett
HS Assistant Principal
(989) 828-6602
Ryan Harkrader
Athletic Director
(989) 828-6602
Lisa Alexander
HS Secretary
(989) 828-6602
Beth Bryant
Attendance/Special Ed/Pupil Accounting Secretary/Pupil Accounting
(989) 828-6602
Pam Harnish
Counseling/Athletics Secretary
(989) 828-6602
Ryan Huber
(989) 828-6602
Brian Ross
Director of Data Systems/Dual Enrollment/Early College
(989) 828-6602
Carolyn Sura
Student Success Coordinator
(989) 828-6602
Morgan Harnish
Project Aware Counselor
(989) 828-6602
Colleen Crites
Life Skills/Transition
(989) 828-6602
Kelsie Moeggenberg
Special Education Math
Gerald Buczkowski
Guided Academics/Drivers Training
(989) 828-6602
Ryan Winters
Band Director
Claire Ingersoll
Choir Director
(989) 828-6602
Lisa Antcliff
Financial Planning/Personal Finance/Careers/Work Study Coordinator
Travis Balzer
Civics, Econ
(989) 828-6602
Rick Cahoon
Chemistry- Science Club. Cross Country Coach
(989) 828-6602
Jill Chaney
Biology, Forensics
(989) 828-6602
Henry VanLoon
English Teacher